At Triad PC Support, we take pride in offering fair while providing quicker and superior service tailored to your needs.
Please note that in 99% of cases, we require an in-person inspection of your computer to provide an accurate estimate or quote. Visiting us for an estimate is always the smoother option (for both parties) compared to calling in to inquire about pricing.
During your visit, we'll gather information about your issue and check your computer. Later, you'll receive diagnostic details and our recommended course of action. If you opt not to proceed with a repair, you'll only be responsible for the diagnostic fee ($35). Most customers receive diagnostic results within 24 - 48 hours, and we'll notify you if we anticipate any delays.
For most repairs, we charge a flat rate, with some adjustments for complexity. Our rates are based on the time, effort, and expertise required for the repair, considering that we often handle multiple repairs concurrently.
Some jobs may necessitate a deposit upfront. These include instances where costly parts are required, where you retain your computer until a part arrives, or where there's a high risk of failure, warranting a minimum fee for the attempt. Rest assured, all fees will be communicated beforehand.
Triad PC Support accepts cash and all major credit and debit cards.
Services with Pricing
Short Description
Long Description
Price as of 04/01/2023
Diagnostics performed on checked-in item.
$35/ per device
Custom PC Diagnostic
Diagnostic fee for custom-built computers. It covers diagnostic, software repairs and component installation. Due at time of drop-off.
Windows 10/11 Reinstall
(Wipe and Reload)
Reinstallation of Windows 10/11 on any given computer including a basic back-up and restore.
Hard Drive Replacement/
Physical replacement of the hard drive with an SSD (solid-state drive), reinstallation of the latest compatible OS, and basic data transfer if needed.
Starting at
Password Reset
Resetting/ Removing passwords for local account on a Windows PC
Data Transfer
(between two devices)
Data Recovery
Recovering data from a computer that will not boot into the OS.
Malware Removal, Optimization
Removing viruses, bloatware, malware, spyware, with optimization.
Learn more about online scams here.
Custom High-end PC Build
Includes purchasing, assembly, setup, and testing. Dependent on complexity. Learn more about custom-built computers here.
Starting at:
Questions? Click here to Contact Us!
202 North Main Street,
Suite A,
Lexington, NC 27292
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